Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shayla Worely

Okay I am obviously a huge fan of Shayla Worely, and it's uh-mazing talking to her. But I have just recently figured out that she is going to be a "Gymdog!" (Which means she is going to Georgia for gymnastics.) I am soo happy with her, but also a little sad.
I mean it's great that Shayla is going to stick out her gymnastics career a little longer. Because she is such an amazing gymnast.
But from my point of opinion I don't think she would still be doing gymnastics if she had made that olympic team. And considering they needed another "bar worker" at the time. Shayla fit that catagory, and she had international experience. But it does sadden me that she would not be in this position, if her leg hadn't broke. But that's just my opinion. And not that I'm not happy she is a Gymdog. But I was looking forward to see her "take over" and manage the new team in 2012. But nonetheless, Shayla is an inspiration.

New Scoring System Updates...

This is only for men's gymnastics, considering I am a male gymnast. Anyway optionals in men's gymnastics, as many of you know, is judged the same way as elites.
With that falls have increased from .8 to 1.0. But deductions are still the same (i.e. "small, medium, and large".) But the thing that really annoys me is that the compulsuary boys are using this system also. No longer can they go to school excited because they got a 9.3. Now they go screaming through tha halls yelling they got a 16.3? No longer is gymnastics enjoyable to watch for the average person, considering they don't "know what a good score/bad score is."
I am sorry that I have not updated the Blog as normally as I used to, but then again school and gymnastics do take up a large part of my life =]