Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Event Finals

Okay overall I was pretty pleased by how things worked out. Both men and women did good in my opinion just one major error that I was very displeased with. Everything else turned out okay... It wasn't amazing, but then again it wasn't horrible.

Jonathan Horton - Finally grabbed a silver on his high bar! Amazing! I was soo happy, I mean if he would have stuck his landing who knows he probably would have got gold. But for his first olympics that's pretty good!
Sasha - Sadly he fell, and if he hadn't he would have probably ended up with silver/bronze, which is un-mazing! Considering he made it to event finals and was only an alternate.

Nastia Liukin - Nastia got 2nd on beam which was fine with me even though she is my favorite, because I wanted Shawn to get a gold. Because every gymnast has worked so hard, and each one should be able to live there dream. Nastia also got 3rd on floor, which I thought she had second. But then Romania came out of no where and took first. But BARS! OMG Nastia tied for the gold and was "ranked 2nd." Whats with that? Can there not be 2 gold medals? Apparently not in this new world of gymnastics! Anyway He Kexin is amazing, a daredevil, but most importantly ... UNDERAGE!
Shawn Johnson - Okay I was soo pleased that she ended up getting a gold, even though she is not one of my favorites she deserves to get a gold. She was put under to much pressure being named the "it girl" which I think is what did it in All Around Finals. And on Floor I was sure she had it, and was hopping that she had it. But she lost it to the last competitor, no doubt, she would've won if she went last...
Alicia - Okay how messed up is this, Cheng Fei FALLS! OMG I know, but then what? She still medals a bronze pushing Alicia out who landed both vaults, which a small hop/step? I think that the only reason Cheng Fei pushed Alicia out because of her reputation.

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