Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shayla Worely

Okay I am obviously a huge fan of Shayla Worely, and it's uh-mazing talking to her. But I have just recently figured out that she is going to be a "Gymdog!" (Which means she is going to Georgia for gymnastics.) I am soo happy with her, but also a little sad.
I mean it's great that Shayla is going to stick out her gymnastics career a little longer. Because she is such an amazing gymnast.
But from my point of opinion I don't think she would still be doing gymnastics if she had made that olympic team. And considering they needed another "bar worker" at the time. Shayla fit that catagory, and she had international experience. But it does sadden me that she would not be in this position, if her leg hadn't broke. But that's just my opinion. And not that I'm not happy she is a Gymdog. But I was looking forward to see her "take over" and manage the new team in 2012. But nonetheless, Shayla is an inspiration.

New Scoring System Updates...

This is only for men's gymnastics, considering I am a male gymnast. Anyway optionals in men's gymnastics, as many of you know, is judged the same way as elites.
With that falls have increased from .8 to 1.0. But deductions are still the same (i.e. "small, medium, and large".) But the thing that really annoys me is that the compulsuary boys are using this system also. No longer can they go to school excited because they got a 9.3. Now they go screaming through tha halls yelling they got a 16.3? No longer is gymnastics enjoyable to watch for the average person, considering they don't "know what a good score/bad score is."
I am sorry that I have not updated the Blog as normally as I used to, but then again school and gymnastics do take up a large part of my life =]

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Event Finals

Okay overall I was pretty pleased by how things worked out. Both men and women did good in my opinion just one major error that I was very displeased with. Everything else turned out okay... It wasn't amazing, but then again it wasn't horrible.

Jonathan Horton - Finally grabbed a silver on his high bar! Amazing! I was soo happy, I mean if he would have stuck his landing who knows he probably would have got gold. But for his first olympics that's pretty good!
Sasha - Sadly he fell, and if he hadn't he would have probably ended up with silver/bronze, which is un-mazing! Considering he made it to event finals and was only an alternate.

Nastia Liukin - Nastia got 2nd on beam which was fine with me even though she is my favorite, because I wanted Shawn to get a gold. Because every gymnast has worked so hard, and each one should be able to live there dream. Nastia also got 3rd on floor, which I thought she had second. But then Romania came out of no where and took first. But BARS! OMG Nastia tied for the gold and was "ranked 2nd." Whats with that? Can there not be 2 gold medals? Apparently not in this new world of gymnastics! Anyway He Kexin is amazing, a daredevil, but most importantly ... UNDERAGE!
Shawn Johnson - Okay I was soo pleased that she ended up getting a gold, even though she is not one of my favorites she deserves to get a gold. She was put under to much pressure being named the "it girl" which I think is what did it in All Around Finals. And on Floor I was sure she had it, and was hopping that she had it. But she lost it to the last competitor, no doubt, she would've won if she went last...
Alicia - Okay how messed up is this, Cheng Fei FALLS! OMG I know, but then what? She still medals a bronze pushing Alicia out who landed both vaults, which a small hop/step? I think that the only reason Cheng Fei pushed Alicia out because of her reputation.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

USA medals 1 and 2

Nastia finished first, and not just a 1st, but a solid 1st! Thank goodness that Shawn Johnson finished second. I was a little disappointed because Ksenia Semenova didn't finish with a bronze status, but her time may come in 2012.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Silver... =/

USA team ended up in 2nd in the all around which was okay, but I was really gunning them to go for gold. Anyway China from there performace was worth gold, but I still don't think that there gymnasts were 16, or turning 16 by December 31st...
Anyway I feel horrible for Alicia, she wanted to end in a boom. And she did, sadly not the way she wants to be remembered. I wish her the best of luck in the future, and feel horrible for her... Nastia did good over all, same with Shawn Johnson. I was shocked that Shawn stepped out of bounce though, I mean it's not horrible. But it just shows that she isn't a robot.
Secondly I was happy that He Kexin hit her unevern bar set, it was un-mazing! But I am going to be mad if she beats Nastia for gold, considering she is probably only 14...
Which brings me to the next part of this... There is no way that China has all of there girls over 16. Which hopefully means that once they prove that they are underage, USA will get gold.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Okay I obviously am a male gymnast, and I was so happy when USA medaled! I was a little disappointed that we had silver going into our final event and then lost it, but nonetheless so happy. I mean in qualifications we placed 8th as a team, barely making it into team finals, and then to get a bronze!
Last year at worlds we placed 4th as a team, right out of medal position. After that I knew we were had the ability to get bronze with Paul Hamm. But when he injuried his hand, I didn't know what was going to happen, but then again everything happens for a reason. I mean if Paul and Morgan didn't withdraw Sasha couldn't have put up that Pommel score that made it impossible for Geremy to catch up. And Raj wouldn't have finally got a spot on the Olympic Team.
But once again USA got bronze! This is amazing, and let it sink it! USA is doing amazing in Beijing!


Okay I was pretty happy how the women ended. I mean get all your mistakes out now, but I was really sad to hear that Alicia will not be going for the gold on floor, but I am thrilled for Nastia. I mean she fell and I was soo scared that she would not make it into event finals but she ended up going!
Anyway like Bela said, it takes some pressure off of USA and puts it on China since they came in first. And USA is used to the 3 up 3 count. So I think we will do fine, though China did win by about a point. And in major deducations we are about the same. I mean...

Shawn did a brani instead of her Rudi - lost .2
Nastia fell on Double Salto 1/2 - lost .8
Bridget stepped out of bounce - lost .3
Alicia landed out of bounce - lost .5
Total - 1.8

Yuyang fell on 5/2 Yurchanko - lost .8
He Kexin fell on Pak Salto - lost .8
Total - 1.6

So even if they didn't make those mistakes China would have won by about 1.0, but I think we can pull it out especially because of the 3 up 3 count. And really if you think about it we come home with either a Gold or a Silver

He Kexin

Ok it is obvious that China's superstar, He Kexin is underage. And even if I do disagree with the age requirements, and that China is cheating, it makes me so frustrated that FIG isn't doing a thing about this. I mean think He Kexin is similar to Nastia Liukin, Liukin had a pretty good chance of medaling in Athen's. But wasn't old enough, but imagine if we had said she was 16, and then what? Do you think we would have come home with a Gold Medal instead of Silver?
Seconly He Kexin is an amazing gymnast! And I don't want people looking down at her because she is underage, it's not her fault. It's pretty hard to say to your coach "I'm not going to help China win gold because that would be cheating..." So please don't look down on the little girls.
And speaking of little girls, when He Kexin fell, I felt horrible for her. I mean she is 14 and she has the weight of China on her back. That poor thing, there is probably no 14 year old in USA that has to deal with that kinda pressure.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Raj and the Olympics

First of all I am soo happy that Raj got a chance to go to Bejing! But by any means am I happy that Paul did not make his recovery.

Secondly I was just thinking about this... But since the women's gymnastics has 6 team person and only have 4 events... Shouldn' the men's team be bigger since men's gymnastics has 6 events? Maybe 9 on the team instead?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Men's Gymnasts

Okay I'm a male gymnast and competed at level 9 this last competition season. So ya I know about Men's Gymnastics.

Okay I would just like so say this...


I mean he soo should have not been an alternate in my opinion! And in that fact a lot of people's opinions! Geez! =/


No one wants to talk about them... But in my opinion each gymnast has many strengths, but also weaknesses. Anyway these are just the Seniors, I really hate it when Elfi and them put spot lights on Juniors, because in my opinion it's too much pressure. I will talk about them... But I will try to stay away from the subject


Strengths: Dancing - Great lines ... Just watch her beam
Knows how to take a fall - I mean she can have a fall at the beginning of a meet and she can still come back strong! I mean that says something.
Bars - She is the queen on bars, I mean she kinda shares the thrown in my opinion with "He Kexin" (if you haven't heard of her look her up..) But besides that she stands alone in America on the bars.

Weakness: Power - Yes she does have combination tumbling but I would like to see ... Well I'm not sure... Just she doesn't have that. It's like you can't have power and grace at the same time (but Mattie Larson is doing a pretty good job.)
Form on Doubles... - You have all seen them... I am a huge fan of Nastia and love her to death but her double fronts are ... Well just don't cowboy those things so much!


Strengths: Amazing powerhouse - If you have seen her tumble... Or vault.... Enough said...
Form is good - Even if Shawn lacks a little dancing, her form is still good. Her legs are always together, and her feet always pointed.

Weakness: Dancing - No matter what any one says I know that Shawn does need help on her dance. Point said and done.
Leaps - Flexibility many people have already said this... So I'll just say it again, she needs to make those bigger! She is a great gymnast, and I know she could do that.

Jana/Chellsie: In my opinion they share a lot of the same traits.

Strengths: Same as Shawn... They are both power houses for sure.
Consistancy - I dont think I have seen them faulter... I mean a fall....

Weakness: Dancing - Okay for both of them it wouldn't hurt to come to WOGA for a day and train with Nastia...
Form - I mean OMG I like them both I think they are both great gymnasts, but c'mon! Point your toes!


Strengths: Great tumbling - I mean she is an amazing floor person!
Vault - I love Shawn's vault, but it's nice to see someone do a front handspring vault =]

Weakness: Losing... - Okay I really like Alicia but whens he lost to Shawn at Worlds ... I mean... Ya
Landings - Just in my opinion on some of her landings its like a shock to her.... I mean it's like wow I hit the ground. Anyway nothing that a little more repatition can't fix.

Nastia vs Shawn

Personally I would just like to flat out say this now... I would really love if Nastia would win the olympics.

Anyway I see where people are coming from the other side of things hopeing Shawn can grasp the gold. But seriously, Shawn just shows up. I think a champion should have gone through everything, the pain and suffering of an injury, losing.... And Personally Shawn has not done that yet. Her floor and vault are amazing I will say that, and her beam is great also. But Nastia just has something about her....

The thing that I actually do admire about Shawn is that she still goes to a public school and only goes to gym for 5 hours a day. Which says something =p

But I this is going to be the only post about this.... Because I hate how people are comparing them to people like Mary Lou... I mean Shawn isn't Mary Lou, Shawn is Shawn. And Nastia isn't Svetana she is Nastia...

And just a fore warning I will pick at each and every gymnasts strengths and there weaknesses.